Monday, February 12, 2024

आपकी मृत्यु कब होगी और उसका कारण क्या होगा? | website india | online | मौत की वेबसाइट


दोस्तो आज के इस पोस्ट में हम बात करने वाले हैं कि आप कब और कैसे मरोगे । ओर क्या कारण से मरोगे । इसके पूरी जानकारी में आपको बताने वाले हैं । ये हम नही बताने वाले हैं बल्कि एक website ने दावा किया है कि लोग कब और कैसे मरेगा । सो वो website सबको बताता है । तो में आपको उस website पर ले जाऊँगा । लेकिन उससे पहले कुछ और बाते जान लीजिए । 

आपकी मृत्यु कब होगी और उसका कारण क्या होगा? | website india | online | मौत की वेबसाइट

मित्रों जैसा कि हम सभी जानते हैं। व्यक्ति के जीवन का अंतिम उद्देश्य मृत्यु होता है जिसे मनुष्य अपनाने से डरते हैं और ऐसे संकेत की खोज में लग जाते हैं जो व्यक्ति के आने वाले मृत्यु के समय को दर्शाते हैं ।

Read more : www.death-cloth org .Com website details link

तो दोस्तो पहले हमलोग ये जानेगे । शिव पुराण के अनुसार जब मौत आता है । तो पहले क्या संकेत देता है । उसके बाद ये जानेगे की www.death-cloth website जो लोगो को मृत्यु का तारिक बताता है । तो चलिए शुरू करते हैं। 

Read article - सावधान हो जाएं क्योंकि अब आपका आवाज कॉपी हो सकता है

शिव पुराण के अनुसार मृत्यु आने से पहले क्या संकेत देता है ? 

मित्रों वैसे तो किसी भी मनुष्य की मृत्यु को सटीक तोर पर बताना संभव नहीं है । लेकिन कुछ संकेत ऐसे  हैं। जो ये बताते हैं कि व्यक्ति की मौत निश्चित तौर पर कब है। 

Read more : मृत्यु के बाद आत्मा के साथ क्या होता है ?

सपने में मित्र और पूर्वजों को देखना 

शिव पुराण के अनुसार बताया गया है कि जब व्यक्ति अपने सपने में या आसपास अपने मृत मित्र और पूर्वजों को देखता है तो ऐसी स्थिति में मनुष्य को समझ जाना चाहिए। की उसकी मृत्यु निकट है। 

किसी व्यक्ति के शरीर का रंग बदल जाये ? 

शिव पुराण के अनुसार जब किसी व्यक्ति के शरीर का रंग पीला या हल्का सफेद लाल रंग होने लगे तो यह स्थिति इस ओर इशारा करती है कि उस व्यक्ति के मृत्यु जल्दी होने वाली है। 

जब व्यक्ति को अपने परछाई ना दिखाई दे ? 

दोस्तो शिव पुराण में यह बताया गया है कि जब व्यक्ति को अपनी परछाई पानी दे शीशे में देखने में कठिनाई हो तो यह समझ जाना चाहिए कि उस व्यक्ति की मृत्यु निकट होने वाली है। 

जब शरीर मे दाग आने लगे ? 

शिवपुराण के चौथे संकेत में बताया गया है कि जब किसी मनुष्य के बाएं हाथ में मरोड़ आने लगी और वह मरोड़ एक हफ्ता से ज्यादा रहे । तो ऐसी स्थिति में भी व्यक्ति को यह समझ जाना चाहिए कि व्यक्ति अधिक समय तक जीवित नहीं रहेगा। 

जब मनुष्य की शरीर काम करना बंद कर दे ? 

जब किसी व्यक्ति को यह अहसास होने लगे कि उसके मुह जीव , आंखे कान और नाक पत्थर की भांति कठोर होने लगे हैं तो यह निश्चित है कि उस व्यक्ति की मृत्यु निकट है। 

जब मनुष्य को दिखाई देना बन्द कर दे ? 

इसी प्रकार आखरी संकेत के अनुसार शिवपुराण में बताया गया है । कि जब कोई व्यक्ति चंद्रमा सूर्य अग्नि की रोशनी को देख लेना असमर्थ हो जाए तो समझ लेना चाहिए कि व्यक्ति की मृत्यु जल्दी ही आने वाली है 

तो दोस्तो ये था शिव पुराण के अनुसार मौत आने से पहले क्या संकेत देता है । लेकिन अब हमलोग ये जानेंगे । कि ये जो website www.death-cloth org .Com है। ये जो दावा करता है । इसके बारे में जानते हैं। 

www. in hindi 

दोस्तो www.death-cloth org .Com में लोगो मृत्यु के बारे में बताते हैं । और ये भी बताते हैं कि आप कब और कैसे मरोगे । इसके पूरी जानकारी बताता है । तो चलिए अब ये भी जानते हैं कि इस website में जाने के लिए क्या - क्या करना होगा । 

Www death Clock org link

दोस्तो आपको www.death-cloth org .Com website पर जाने के लिए आपको नीचे में एक लिंक दिखाई दे रहा होगा । आपको इस लिंक पर क्लिक कर देना है । 

Read more : www.death-cloth org .Com official website link ?

जब आप इस लिंक पर क्लिक करोगे । तो आप www.death-cloth के website आणि मृत्यु बताने वाले website पर पहुच जाओगे । 

इसके बाद आपको यहां पर कुछ भरना पड़ेगा । जो कि आप नीचे इमेज में देख सकते हैं। 

आपकी मृत्यु कब होगी और उसका कारण क्या होगा? | website india | online | मौत की वेबसाइट

  1. BMI 

  2. Date of birth 

  3. Smoking

  4. Drinking 

  5. Ling

  6. Country name 

  7. And etc.

डालकर आपको Submit पर क्लिक कर देना है। इसके बाद दोस्तो आपको आपके मृत्यु का तारिक बता देगा । आप बेहद आसानी से देख सकते हैं। 

www.death-cloth org .Com website का कुछ बाते ?

दोस्तो अब में आपको बता दे कि ये वेबसाइट सिर्फ मौज मस्ती के लिए बनाया गया है। इस वेबसाइट में बताये गए जानकारी सब गलत है । 

आप इस वेबसाइट में बताये गए जानकारी को दिल पर ना ले। क्योकि इसमे जितने भी जानकारी दिया गया है । ये सब गलत है। 

दोस्तो में आपको बता दु की आप इस वेबसाइट में किसी भी तरह के जानकारी को ना डाले । क्योकि ये www.death-cloth org .Com website आपके डेटा को save करता है और बेच देता है जिसके बदले उसे पैसा मिलता है । 

ओर आप इस वेबसाइट के बारे में ओर भी पूरी जानकारी लेना चाहते हैं । तो आप ऊपर में दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करे । ताकि आप को www.death-cloth org .Com के बारे में पूरी जानकारी मिलेगा । 

Friends, in today's post we are going to talk about when and how you will die.  And for what reason will you die?  We are going to tell you about it in full detail.  We are not going to tell this, but a website has claimed that when and how people will die.  So that website tells everyone.  So I will take you to that website.  But before that, know some other things.

When will you die and what will be the reason for that?  , website india | online |  website of death

Friends as we all know.  The ultimate purpose of a person's life is death, which humans are afraid to adopt and start searching for signs that show the time of the person's coming death.


So friends, first we will know this.  According to Shiva Purana, when death comes.  So what does it indicate first?  After that they will know that www.death-cloth website which tells people the date of death.  So let's get started.

According to Shiva Purana, what signal does death give before coming?

Friends, it is not possible to tell the exact death of any human being.  But some signs are like this.  Which tells when the person's death is definitely.

Seeing friends and ancestors in dreams

According to Shiva Purana, it has been told that when a person sees his dead friends and ancestors in his dream or around, then in such a situation man should understand.  that his death is near.

Change the color of a person's body?

According to Shiva Purana, when the color of a person's body starts turning yellow or light white red, then this situation indicates that the death of that person is going to happen soon.

When a person cannot see his shadow?

Friends, it has been told in Shiv Purana that when a person finds it difficult to see his reflection in the mirror, then it should be understood that the death of that person is going to be near.

When spots started appearing on the body?

In the fourth sign of Shivpuran, it has been told that when a man starts twitching in his left hand and that twitching lasts for more than a week.  So even in such a situation one should understand that the person will not live long.

When the human body stops working?

When a person starts to feel that his mouth, eyes, ears and nose are becoming hard like stone, then it is certain that the death of that person is near.

When it ceases to be visible to man?

Similarly, according to the last indication, it has been told in Shivpuran.  That when a person becomes unable to see the light of Moon, Sun, Fire, then it should be understood that the person's death is going to come soon.

So friends, this was according to Shiva Purana, what signal does it give before death.  But now we will know this.  That this website is www.death-cloth org .Com.  What it claims  know about it.


Friends, people tell about death in www.death-cloth org.Com.  And they also tell when and how you will die.  Tells its complete details.  So let's now also know what needs to be done to go to this website.

 Www Death Clock Org Link

Friends, you will see a link below to go to www.death-cloth org .Com website.  You have to click on this link. 

When you click on this link.  So you will reach the website of www.death-cloth and the website that tells about death.

After this you will have to fill something here.  Which you can see in the image below.

When will you die and what will be the reason for that?  , website india | online |  website of death


 date of birth




 Country name

 And etc.

After entering you have to click on Submit.  After this friends will tell you the date of your death.  You can see very easily.

Some things about www.death-cloth org .Com website?

Friends, now let me tell you that this website has been created only for fun.  All the information given in this website is wrong.

Do not take the information given on this website to heart.  Because all the information has been given in it.  All this is wrong.

Friends, let me tell you that you should not put any kind of information in this website.  Because this www.death-cloth org .Com website saves and sells your data, in return for which it gets money.

And you want to get more complete information about this website.  So click on the link given above.  So that you will get complete information about www.death-cloth org .Com.

So friends, I hope you have liked this information.  So you have any question in your mind.  So do tell in the comment box.  And subscribe to our blog for more such information.

What are the signs before death comes?  ,  When does the death of a man come?  ,  When will you die and what will be the reason for that?  ,  What are the signs of death?  ,  Why do humans die?  experiences before death.  signs of death.  No one dies premature death, Yamraj gives these 4 signs to every human being 24 hours before taking his life.  Signs of premature death.  types of death.  What should be given if no sign is visible in life.  The last hours before the sign of death.  What is called creeping death?  How does death come?  time of death  ।

How does death come quickly?  2 signs of death.  Death smell. website india. online. login.  www. in hindi.  Www death clock org link.  Death website.  Know how old you will be when you die.  When and how will you die  Mantra to avoid premature death.  Is the time of death fixed?  www.death.dateyourname.  What is called premature death?  Why does death come?  Www death watch organization

Hello friends, once again you are welcome in Verma News, why do good people die early.  And when who will die?  how to know.  I am going to tell you the complete details of this in this post.  By which you can see the date of your death.  And you can live your life to the fullest.

So in today's post we are going to tell you all this.  Which is important for you.  Which you must read.  And you must know the date of your death.  So that people will know this.  That this person will live for 10, 20, 30 years.

Why do good people die early?  When and how will you die in hindi

And with this you can enjoy your life.  So friends will talk first.  Why do good people die early?  The first one to talk about is this.  So let's start the post. official website

 Why does a good person die early?

The matter of concern is that this thing definitely comes in the mind of every human being that one who is a good person.  Why does he die suddenly?  Come friends know the secret of this thing who is a good person.  Why does he die early?  But you are requested that you are a devotee of Krishna.  So do write Jai Shri Krishna in the comment box.

Know what you will become in next life

This thing has been described in the Puranas.  that which is good.  There is a place in heaven for him in Bekhunth.  There is a place in Garuda Lok.  Moreover, Saket also has a place at the feet of Lord Shri Ram.

Why doesn't a bad person die soon?

And there is no place for what is bad.  He has to suffer hell in this mortal world which is bad.  He doesn't die.  This is hell for him.  This is heaven for those who hurt others, who snatch others' morsel.  Those who give pain and extreme sorrow to others.

Want to know more about Spirit?

God does not call that person to him.  God tells them.  That can hurt as much as you do.  Give as much pain as you can give.  Don't hurt the eyes of others as much as you can. One day you will have to pay by doing a wifi tax.

How can we stop death?

This is heaven for you.  According to the deeds and this is hell for you and when that soul goes to the house of God.  So the Yamadoots take him very badly.  They drag her away and she puts them in the category.  For many many births, for many years, he remains lying in the river of restlessness.  Talking about a good person, there is no death in this world for a good person.

Know how old you will be when you die

God says that everyone has to die like this.  The law has fixed the death of all who have taken birth on this earth.  He must die but it is often seen that those who are good people who are virtuous souls.  They die early.

But that is not the case with those who live longer.  He is evil spirit.  It's not like this.  Good people also live long.  But it is often seen that those who are good people.  They die soon.  Like you see Swami Vivekananda ji.  were very good

But he passed away at a very early age and there are many other such pious souls who were very pious souls.  But he died early, so the answer is that there is a belief that good people die early because they are dear to God and those who are dear to God.

God calls them soon.  Because this is the world.  This is the land of death.  Here heaven is also here and hell is also here.  So this is the land of the dead in this world.  There is a lot of sorrow here, so God wants that his loved one should not suffer for a long time.  That's why they call him to their world very quickly.

And a belief also says that those who are good people.  They are needed in every world.  Whether it is heaven or patal lok or village folk, they are needed everywhere.  That's why God calls them quickly.

And those who are good people.  This is also the reason for their early death.  Many people say that he used to worship.  He used to worship a lot, so he should not have been killed early.  Why did God call him so soon?

Why does God take a good man up quickly?

So the answer is if he is good then he is very dear to God.  You can understand it in this way.  For example, if there is a very good toy in a market, a shop, a showroom, then its eye falls on every customer because if he has a child.  The one who plays will only take that good toy.

Because he likes that nice toy.  That's why everyone would like to have him.  Similarly we humans are like a toy for God which toy the soul is very good.  God's eye is on him.  And God calls him soon.  But one thing has to be remembered that everyone has to die here because death is the only reality.

Otherwise this world is just a game and spectacle, so keep thinking that everyone has to die and all of us can die anytime.  That's why we must remember this and focus on our work.

Now friends, we are going to know this.  that when will you die  How will you die, why will you die, what is your illness, when is the day of your death.  We will know about all these today and now.  So that you can enjoy life in you.

Www death date your name.

Friends, there is such a website.  Who is telling this to everyone.  When will someone die?  Why will he die  it describes.  So friends, I am going to tell you the name of the website and the complete information about the website.  So let's start.

Friends, that is the name of the website. org So friends, how can you find out the date of your death from this website.  He knows this. login । You have to come first.  on google

Or you can visit that website through our given link.  After which you will get a from.  So you have to fill in that from.  Or you can see that from in the image below.

Why do good people die early?  When and how will you die in hindi

The website requests to comply with the information of its users:

 1. birthday

2. gender

 3. drinking details

 4. alcohol abuse

 5. country name

 6. BMI

 7. Hope

You have to fill all these information in org website.  And then you have to submit.  After which you will know the date of your death.  So that you can live your life easily.

Friends, crores of children are born every day in the world.  And crores of people die.  So don't be afraid of death.  Because whoever has come on this earth.  He has to kill everyone one day.  If you want to kill one day forward or one day back.

But everyone has to die.  Everyone has to leave this earth.  That's why friends, you never have to give hints.  From your death and never you have to run away from your death.  Because no one can run away from death.

So that's why live your life to the fullest no matter what the result may be.  And take the name of the Lord.  This is the custom of the world.  To go to heaven and to avoid this epidemic, if one does not remember one's own God.

So he will have to die in this epidemic.  And that's why you can already know the method of your death by visiting this website.  According to which you can live your life.

So friends, we have to live peacefully in this hellish world.  So take the name of God.  And chant the Lord.  Not much, still take the name of the Lord in the morning and evening.  Long live Rama ,,,,

I hope so  That you can know the date of your death.  So friends if you have any question in your mind.  So do tell in the comment box.  And to read such amazing effects continuously, please subscribe to our blog Verma news.

So that you can get to read new information every day.  So friends, do you have any question in your mind?  So do tell in the comment box.  So today that's all, now we go on.  Will see you again with a new post, till then a heartfelt thank you to all of you for staying till the end of our blog,,,,,, in hindi. download

Death Clock.  Why do good people die early? login.  When and how will you die  101 forms of death.  Www death date your name.  google when will you die  BMI meaning.  Know how old you will be when you die.  BMI calculator.  Www death watch org ।

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No one dies premature death, Yamraj gives these 4 signs to every human being 24 hours before taking his life.  google when will you die  Know how old you will be when you die.  death prediction.  Www death_cloth org.  Death Yoga Calculator.  premature death

How does death come?  premature death symptoms । Www death watch org app download.  death clock

तो दोस्तो उम्मीद करता हूँ कि ये जानकारी आपको अच्छा लगा होगा । तो आपके मन मे कोई सवाल है। तो comment box में जरूर बताये । ओर ऐसे ही जानकारी के लिए हमारे ब्लॉग को सब्सक्राइब जरूर करे ।

तो आज के लिए इतना ही अब हम चलते हैं फिर मिलेंगे कल नई जानकारी के साथ तब तक हमारे ब्लॉग के अंत तक बने रहने के लिए आप सभी लोगो को दिल से धन्यवाद ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

मृत्यु आने से पहले क्या संकेत मिलते हैं? । इंसान की मृत्यु कब आती है? । आपकी मृत्यु कब होगी और उसका कारण क्या होगा? । मृत्यु के क्या संकेत होते हैं? । मनुष्य की मृत्यु क्यों होती है । मृत्यु से पहले के अनुभव।  मृत्यु के संकेत । अकाल मौत कोई नहीं मरता, जान लेने से 24 घंटे पहले हर इंसान को ये 4 संकेत देते हैं यमराज । अकाल मृत्यु के संकेत   । मृत्यु के प्रकार । यदि जीवन में कोई संकेत न दिखे तो क्या देना चाहिए । मौत के संकेत से पहले अंतिम घंटे । रेंगती मृत्यु किसे कहते हैं । मौत कैसे आती है । मृत्यु का समय । जल्दी मौत कैसे आती है । मौत के 2 लक्षण।  मृत्यु गंध । website india । online । login । www. in hindi । Www death Clock org link । मौत की वेबसाइट । जानिए आपकी मृत्यु होगी तब आपकी उम्र कितने वर्ष होगी । आप कब और कैसे मरोगे । अकाल मृत्यु से बचने के लिए मंत्र । क्या मृत्यु का समय निश्चित है । your name । अकाल मृत्यु किसे कहते हैं । मौत क्यों आती है । Www मौत की घड़ी संगठन

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