Sunday, November 3, 2024

What was the area of ​​united India


Friends, our India is considered to be the largest and oldest country in the whole world and at the same time it is the first country which is still considered to be the country of sages, sages, penance and gurus.  This is the same country where the human race was born for the first time.  But there has been a lot of change with time.

What was the area of ​​united India

Due to which our today's India looks very small in comparison to the ancient India of ancient India.  Friends, our ancient India is known as Aryavarta.  It was spread over a large part of the world.  In ancient times, India was also called the country of Aryans and many great Hindu kings ruled here for many years.

What was the area of ​​united India

But during this time, along with many foreign kings, the British also attacked here fiercely.  Because of which our unbroken India kept breaking into many parts.  And this is the reason.  That our today's India looks very small in comparison to ancient India.  Friends, you will be very surprised to know this.  In the year 1947, our India was divided into about 14 countries.

But probably many of you do not know that which are the countries which were a part of India before the year 1947.  And why did they have to separate from India.  If you also want to know the complete story of the partition of united India, then stay with us.

Ancient India was divided into how many countries

Friends, our ancient India used to be much bigger than today, but the delicacy of time divided unbroken India into many countries.  Due to which today our India looks very small as compared to earlier.  You can guess from this fact that even today the name of our country India is included in many big countries of the world.

And if it had not been divided, then today our India would have been the largest among all the countries of the world. 2500 years ago, there were many foreign attacks in our India, in which many foreign forces like Arab, Turk, France, and British were involved.  .  All these foreign powers had ruled India for a long time and during this time they had divided India into many parts to make governance even easier.

And today we are called the neighboring countries of India.  All of them used to come under Akhand Bharat at some point of time.  So friends, let us know when which country separated from India and became a new country.


Friends, the first name of these comes from Afghanistan.  Afghanistan was formed by joining some parts of Kandahar and Kamboj.  Earlier this entire state was ruled by Hindu, Sahi and Persian kings.  But later Buddhism started spreading here.  Let me tell you  Gandhari of Mahabharata and Shakuni, maternal uncle of Pandavas were also from Afghanistan.

But later, after many years, Alexander attacked here and captured it.  After which, in the seventh century, many attacks were done here by Arabs and Turks.  However, later on, the British took over the pace here and at this time Afghanistan had come under British India rule.  Finally, on 18 August 1947, the British liberated Afghanistan.  After which it separated from India and became an independent country and the Taliban has the authority over the power of the state.


Let us tell you that Nepal also used to be a part of unbroken India earlier.  And along with this, there was also a main center of Aryan culture.  Mithila village, the birth place of Sita Mata present in Ramayana, is also present here.  Along with this, Lumbini, the birth place of Gautam Buddha, is also attached to this.  Let me tell you

Nepal was earlier known as Deoghar and around the year 1520 there used to be the kingdom of Arya Samaj people.  In the fourth century only the people of Buddhism used to have rights here.  But later, in the seventh century, Tibet had its right over here.  And after that Gorkhas established their authority in Nepal.

During the British rule, the British also ruled many parts of Nepal.  But later in the year 1923, there was an agreement between Nepal and the British.  During which Nepal was declared an independent country.  Nepal is the only country which became a Hindu country even after being separated from unbroken India.  But later on, many people here changed their religion.


Friends, Bhutan was geographically connected with undivided India and along with that people of Vedic and Buddhist religion still reside here.  But in the year 1906, the British had taken over.  After that, the British had merged a lot of Bhutan's land into India once again.

But when India became independent, there were demands that Bhutan wanted to make itself an independent nation and it wanted back a lot of land that the British had snatched from it.  After which India respected Bhutan's decision and in the year 1949, India returned all the land of Bhutan.  Along with this, India assured Bhutan that it would always be present for the security of Bhutan.


 Friends, Tibet used to be the center of Hindu culture and Hindu religion earlier.  Earlier, Hindu kings used to rule here too.  But later Buddhism started being propagated here and within a few years it had become a major center of Tibetan Buddhism.  But in the year 1960, there was an agreement between British India and China.  During this time Tibet was divided into two parts.  And at present China has authority over the whole of Tibet.


Friends, Iran used to be a part of unbroken India before independence, about which we should tell you that the ancient name of Iran used to be Aryan.  It is said that many people of India's Arya Samaj settled in Iran.  And in the seventh century, the Arabs present in the neighboring country of Iran attacked Iran and took it under their control.  After this, the Iranians present in Iran had accepted the Islamic religion.  And at present Iran is now an Islamic country.


Friends, Cambodia used to be a part of united India earlier.  about which it is said so.  In the first century AD, a Brahmin named Kambodi established Hinduism here.  Later on, the name of this country was read as Cambodia by the name of the same Cambodian Brahmin.

Let us tell you that the world's largest Hindu temple is present only in Cambodia and the picture of that temple is also on the national flag of this country. There is also a huge temple of Lord Vishnu here.  In ancient times, this country also used to be a main center of Hinduism.


Friends, earlier Hindu people used to live in Indonesia too.  But later there were many attacks by Muslims here.  And today a large number of Muslim population lives here.  But even today a huge temple of Lord Shri Ram is present here.  Where Lord Ram is worshiped by Muslims only.  Today, Indonesia is the country with the largest Muslim population in the world.


Friends, in ancient times the name of Myanmar used to be the country of Burma.  But when the British attacked India.  Then Myanmar was also annexed.  The British had ruled here for many years.  And finally, on 4 January 1948, Myanmar was liberated.  After which it became an independent country.


Friends, at one time Malaysia also used to be a part of Akhand Bharat.  Where people of Hindu religion used to live in large numbers, but later people of Buddhist religion also started settling here.  And then many foreign attacks were done on Malaysia.  After which Malaysia also became a completely Islamic country.


Philippines is a country in eastern India which was earlier a part of unbroken India.  But here also many attacks were done by Mulman Nau.  And despite this, Hindus live here in large numbers even today.  On July 4, 1946, the Philippines also became an independent country.  Friends, even though the Philippines is an Islamic country.  But people of all religions reside here


 Friends, a name of Thailand is also included in this list of ours.  In Indian history, the ancient name of Thailand is called Sam Desh.  Where at one time a large number of Hindus used to live.  Then gradually when Buddhism started spreading here.  So the Hindu population decreased here.  And this too became a new country by separating from undivided India.

Sri Lanka

Friends, Sri Lanka is situated at a distance of 31 kilometers to the south of India.  And its description is also seen in the holy book of Hindu religion Ramayana because Raman also used to live in our unbroken India.  And even during the British rule, Sri Lanka was a part of united India.  But on February 4, 1948, Sri Lanka also separated from India and became a new country.


Vietnam is said to be one such country.  Where even today a large number of Hindu people live.  Let me tell you  When it used to be a part of undivided India, earlier its name was Champa, but then Buddhism started spreading here and there was a huge decline in the number of Hindus.  After which Vietnam came under the control of France.  But in 1945 Vietnam became independent from France and became a separate country.


Pakistan is one such neighboring country of India.  Which has always been betraying India.  Even after independence in 1947, three wars were fought between India and Pakistan, in which Pakistan had to face defeat every time and there is still a dispute between India and Pakistan regarding Kashmir.

But friends, this traitor of Pakistan also used to be a part of our united India.  But while leaving, the British created such a divide among us.  In our undivided India another new nation was born.  Whose name was Pakistan.  Friends, in the same way, one after the other many countries got divided from Akhand Bharat.

Because of which our present day India is very small in comparison to ancient India.  Maybe if unbroken India had not been divided into so many pieces.  So today our India would have been the biggest nation in the whole world.  By the way friends tell by commenting.

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