Saturday, November 19, 2022

how to get a green card in usa without marriage


How to get US citizenship.  What is green card.  Many times there is confusion about these things.  What is green card and citizenship.  So friends, in today's post we are going to tell you.  What is America's Green Card?  And what is citizenship?

how to get a green card in usa without marriage

We are going to tell you all these things in this post.  Not only this, we will also tell you this.  How can you get citizenship in USA?  And how can you get a green card.  We will talk to you about this in full detail.  So let's start the post.

how to get a green card in usa without marriage

Friends, if you are going to America from outside the country.  So you don't get US citizenship.  If you go to America  So you get a green card.  This is why the US government gives green cards.

Because if you go to live in America.  So gives you a green card.  This is the work of green card.  If you move to America  And you get a green card.  So you will go to any country.  So you can stay there only for 6 months.

Means if you live in America.  And you come to your home.  So you can stay in your house only for 6 months.  You cannot stay in your village for more than 6 months.  You have to go back to America within 6 months.

If you do not go to America within 6 months.  So your green card has no value.  So if you have a green card.  Then you can stay in America forever.

But you can't vote.  And cannot stay outside for more than a limited time.  If you are going to America from any country.  And you want to get a green card.  So how can you get a green card?  Let's know this.

how to get green card

Friends, if you marry a citizen of America.  So you can get a green card.

If you are a News Reporter.  Or Writer.  So you can get green card here in USA.

If you play the lottery  So you green card he can win.  And you can work in USA.

( Note ) Friends, if you get married in America.  So you and your parents can come to America.  Not only this, all the people in your house.  He can come to America.  Those who will not need a green card.

Not only this if you get married in America.  So after some time you can also apply from to vote to become a citizen of America.  And you can vote.

Friends, our aim is to give you the right information.  So that you people should not leave my post and go to any other post.

Friends, I hope you have liked this information.  If your friends also want to go to America.  And they also want to get green card.  So you must share this post with him.

That's all for today, if you have any questions in your mind.  Then you must tell us in the comment box.  Or you want to give us some good suggestion.  Then you must tell us.  Then we will see you with new information, till then we heartily thank all of you for staying till the end of our blog,,,,,,,,,,,

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